with close to $10 billion in the portfolio, city and count revenue is equivalent to micah johnson -- major corporations in san francisco. unlike those that serve the public, we are substantially different. we have diverse vital services that touch every single resident's lives in many different facets. that diversity of the work that we do and the services we provide, mean that our banking and our ecosystem of banking is significantly more complex. we have disbursements of checks, ach wires, payments, all the way through to -- for all of the retirees, employees, and our vendors. with deposits that come in 25 cent changes as well as large wires in the millions of dollars. we have to do reporting to meet the financial forecasting for the city and the end of the year financial audit. we have a large degree around services around fraud and security to ensure that the revenue we receive is secured and to make sure the disbursements we make, they're going to the people they're intended to go to. these products that we utilize to minimize the amount of manual processing and paperwork, and t