and finally, micah zenko. micah is -- prevention and the center for preventive action for the council on foreign relations. previously he worked at harvard university's kennedy school offn government and a number of research capacities and in washington, at brookings, congressional research service and policy planning office at the state let me then begin our discussiob and let me begin with you, rosew what in your view are the lessons new s.t.a.r.t. for the future of u.s./russian arms control negotiations? and i have really two an ts -- angles in mind here. what insights could you offer from what you've experienced on russian views on key issues and, secondly, what lessons does new s.t.a.r.t. offer on how any, any u.s. administration should handle the congress on an arms control treaty? >> excellent, excellent questions, cliff. and can by the way, may i just say how impressed i am that there are so many people interested in nuclear arms control at this hour of the morning. [laughter] i think it's