michael anglo. >> it wasn't that big of a promotion to me. >> when you are michael anglo, it is probablyet excited about a piece of graffiti, but in miami, chris arnold offered us his theory when he chose to paint a red balloon on the side of a building when he knew it would be removed. besides creating street art, he also selled officially sanction pieces at auction. >> he came to new york, and spent the hospital of october creating street pieces. crazy gallery people like us, take it down and show it and he gets all this p.r. his official pieces. have a spike in value it's the process of the publicity, behind this series of street work, that drives his auction prices up. >> so perhaps out there somewhere, if you listen hard enough, you can hear banksy, laughing all the way to the bank. and that's it for us, come back we will have more of america tonight tomorrow. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york city. this is tony harris with a look at top stories. crews are looking to restore power and heat to hundreds of thousands. an ice storm left many in the dark from maine to mich