guest: michael barr and i talk about issues.e talked to the administration in the last couple days about this issue. they know it is an issue that separates many on the committee. Ñii sense a willingness and a desire to figure out a way to seek a common ground. if we could get all the other aspects of the bill worked out, and focus on those things that need to be focused on, do not turn this into a christmas tree where we are dealing with things that are unnecessary. if we end up with one bill that includes a consumer protection piece, but leave that for last, where people see that we are that close to getting it done. that is the best way of getting to yes. i guess that, done in a sensible way, that seeks the balance, and deals with other important issues. guest: has the administration told you they are moving off their stance? guest: i do not think they are ready -- i mean, that, to me, those discussions will take place several weeks from now. guest: non starter -- consumer agency? guest: independent consumer agency. guest: th