joining me, ceo michael beckerman. thanks for joining us. are you joining the lawsuit or offering to join the lawsuit, but not filing your own? >> we are going to be party to the case, so that's what it means to be the intervener. there are petitioners in a number of civil society groups. we will be an intervener, which makes us a party to the case, so we will have strong standing and be very involved in the litigation. emily: it's been interesting to watch how this stance on net neutrality by various tech giants have evolved. as some have come out forcefully in favor of, some opposed. then you have some like reed hastings who came out pretty strongly on the side of net neutrality, then said, well, it's important, but it's not their primary battle. why the indifference? >> i can tell you all of our members care about this. they are all very engaged. they have pushed us to be the tip of the spear for them fighting this, both in congress and at the fcc and now in the courts. it matters to all the companies, netflix included. emily: is there a