and that one potentially vulnerable is michael bennett in colorado.ake that seat, they want to flip that from blue to red more than any seat. republicans think that might be their only shot at picking up a senate seat this year. but they kind of seem to be blowing this race. in a way that at least so far has nothing to do with donald trump. first they had trouble with finding a candidate despite michael bennett's supposed vulnerability all of the republican party's top choices passed on the opportunity to take him on. then when republicans in colorado did find a candidate they liked, a state lawmaker john kaiser, they had trouble getting him on the ballot. 86 signatures short when he filed to get on the ballot. missed it by that much. kaiser had to go to court to persuade a judge to put him on the ballot which the judge did. it was interesting the judge's argue summit that the signature requirement wasn't so hard and fast. it was really about stopping fraud, it wasn't just about stopping mistakes. so, a few signatureses short, legitimately by mistake,