now, new york city mayor michael bloombergas already backed ban on smoking, tried t ban after styrofoam. that's right. launching a proposed ban on styrofoam products before leaving office in january. new york city council sanitation committee is granting his wish holding a meeting of the bill on monday. in new york police department pushing its own crackdown on santa gone, the annual new york tradition or hundreds of chris criminals engaged in at pre-christmas of crawl. now urging borrowers to ban rowdy santos who tend to add more naughty and nice. and the u.s. postal service under fireor what critics are callin its war on christmas. at issue, this advertisement for holiday fans. gingerbread house, and a qantas stamp, but no christmas stamp. the postatal service said they o so christmas stas, they just are not on tt particular ad. well, markets on a tear. if you have been living under rocky must know this. another ecord-setting day on wall street. closing above 1800 for the first time in history. the dow on as long as we to be winning streak since january january 2011.