michael brunh, isn't the real culprit here iran? that the trainers are taking large net long positions, okay. we went through the numbers today. back in october, according to the cftc. traders were 181,000 contracts long. now they're 281,000. everybody is taking about the saber rattling for the strait of hormuz. that's what's driving energy prices right now. we have a lot of supply, but there's worries about a supply shortage. isn't that the case? nothing would change that in the short run, michael. that's -- we're just stuck with this iranian problem until our government does something about iran. >> that's why drilling won't make an impact on gas prices. it won't make an impact for this week, this month, or even this year, or the next couple of years. we operate on a global market. like it or not, we cannot drill our way out of this gas crisis. we can't drill our way out of the next gas crisis. the only way to avoid this situation from repeating itself again and again in the future is to have a more aggressive prudent plausible pl