i want to give a shout out to michael canon and jonathan adler who were really the stars of the issue that we're going to be talking about and whose work has really been -- has crystallized this. and michael and jonathan pursued it with vigor, not just with an intellectual and academic background, but with real sense of mission. tom miller who will be on the second panel at aei has also been extremely important on working on this issue. of course the competitive enterprise institute as well. this case and the issue you was poo-pooed in the beginning. as was just stated in the introduction, the case is now -- at least one of the cases, the king case out of virginia, is now pending before the supreme court and the court will decide or at least potentially could decide tomorrow whether to take up the king case or just when the case will be reviewed, if at all. it reminds me of a story i like to tell about the danger of jumping to conclusions and being too sure of what's going on and taking measures that are not prudent. it is a story of a man who calls home and a woman answers the phone.