. >> the reverend michael curry is a bishop of the episcopal diocese of north carolina. >> if you look at the state budget and you look at the weight of the tax reform, it is heavily weighted to the wealthy and, to be sure, to the corporations. and the working poor are the ones who are bearing the brunt of the burden. >> not everyone agrees. tammy fitsgerald runs the north carolina values coalition. >> immoral monday is a term i have used, and i do believe it is true because i think that the issue that is the crowds out there every monday night are fighting for and protesting for are basically immoral positions. >> she thinks the protesters are a small minority, out of the mainstream against a legislature that's behaving prudently. >> the question is whether you want the government to take care of people who have needs or whether you want private citizens and the church to do that, and it's a diabolical split in philosophy. >> politically, north carolina has been pretty evenly divided. obama won here in his first presidential election. but in 2010 the republicans for the first time sin