let's bring in michael cutler with ins. one ofal the predecessors to immigration and custom enforcement often called ice. >> and darla nixon. i have no doubt about your hart and compassion. i know you care about those women and kids. i'm not trying to any way shape or form give you anything other than 100% credit about caring, but when we talk about public policy you hear these women. they talk about the need to target illegal immigrants and deport them. and to deal with the immigration issue, abolish ice? where are you on this? what do you say to those women who say no, these people should be deported. >> i certainly understand the women. you have a-- a major loss like that certainly you're going to be upset. but i think it is a error and i think it is misleading to use isolated incidents to overlook compelling evidence. as an example between 1990 and 2013 the immigration population in america more than tripled, but the violent crime rate actually went down by 48% some the d numbers really say that we don't have a problem