. >> this little boy wanted to donate his money because his grandfather, michael drager, was a police officer and was killed in the line of duty back in 1974, before this little boy ever knew his grandpa. they're calling this boy, 11-year-old, max. >> that ten bucks, he'd been saving it it for a long time. it was a lot of money. >> it's one of the most beautiful videos we've ever had. we have the assistant chief of police from greenville, wisconsin. paul, there is such a beautiful story. how did you end up going about finding out who this little boy was? >> when we released the surveillance tape to the media, the boy was recognized and we found out who he was and respoke with him with regard to his donation. he'd been saving donation for a couple of months. he would ask friends and relatives for donation. he and his little brother also put on a little show in their back yard and charged 50 cent admission and came up with the $10.03. >> what does this mean to you guys? >> people say it was on $10 but that was all his money. and to give it to the police department to help us further our