he would say to me once and a while, "michael duffy," he always called me by my full name, "michael duffyed?" and i would get excited because it was hard to buy him a present or anything. i said, "no, what?" "you know what i really need?" "no, what mike?" "absolutely nothing. i don't need a thing in the world. i am the happiest man on the face of the earth. why am i so blessed? i don't deserve it.” mychal judge's body was the first one released from ground zero. his death certificate has the number one on the top. of the thousands of people who perished in that terrible holocaust, why was mychal judge number one? and i think i know the reason. mychal's goal and purpose in life was to bring the firemen to the point of death so they would be ready to meet their maker. mychal judge could not have ministered to them all. it was physically impossible-— in this life. in the next few weeks we're going to have name after names of people who are being brought out of that rubble. and mychal judge is going to be on the oth side of death to greet them, instead of sending them there. and so, this morn