>> michael dukakis: 17 years. >> cooper: wow. >> kitty dukakis: yeah. long time. >> michael dukakis: one would think that somehow, sometime, earlier than 17 years, somebody would have said, "hey, go see dr. welch." >> dr. charlie welch: hi. >> cooper: dr. charlie welch administers e.c.t. here at mclean psychiatric hospital outside boston. he was the person kitty dukakis came to see about getting it. what did you say to her when she first came? >> welch: i said, "i'm glad you've decided to do this. i think we can get you feeling better fairly quickly." >> cooper: her doctor previously had-- had told her-- who was treating her, told her, "don't go for e.c.t." >> welch: correct. >> cooper: back then, e.c.t. was among the most vilified treatments in psychiatry because of the way it used to be administered, portrayed disturbingly in the film "one flew over the cuckoo's nest." >> welch: clearly, "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" gave e.c.t. a bad name, because that's not how it actually is done. >> cooper: it was done that way in the past. >> welch: in the pa