world -- the well-educated african creole community and also to the education of oscar, dunn, and pinch back. michael: what had happened in new orleans is there were a few public schools before the civil war, but the afro creoles were not schooled there. some sent their kids to the north and in paris. it was all done from a francophone perspective. i wanted to get another point in to this caller, two times ago. in omaha, things get solved over time because it's an efficient place. in new orleans, if somebody with power doesn't act, nothing gets done. i love you and i have your back but if the legislature didn't act, there would still be butchers putting things in the river by the water intake pipes. host: tim, you are next. caller: my question is, didn't -- didn'thave enough they have enough butchers? what was the reason for butchers from the north to go down to arkansas? host: money to be made? michael: not everybody involved was a northerner. were, they were investors. there was not any capital in the south after the civil war. the economy was in ruins. in order to get anything built, you needed to