they took the song and storyboard illustrations to abc television and michael eisner. "but we were actually ... we were abc's advertising agency and so we took the idea over and really it was never part of the agency business, it was a thing we did on the side, it was like -- he used to say, 'it was a kitchen table thing' he drew on his kitchen table." kitchen table or not, abc loved the concept for "schoolhouse rock" and a t.v. series was the series consisted of short, three-minute segments that ran during abc programs on saturday mornings. "we started with multiplication and then we thought where do we go from here? and we went into grammar, i think michael eisner suggested grammar and someone decided that that was somewhat structured in that there were eight parts of speech." other subject areas included, science, government and computer technology. the series won immediate it's easier too. i think it just ... the kids don't mind it. it's not so painful; learning that way." and what really made schoolhouse rock so popular were the songs themselves. "the secret of th