hsu, it's michael farr.se patterns before, where the consumer ad tuesday perhaps are getting a little bit -- attitudes perhaps are getting a little bit weaker, how do the cycles end? we have inflation, higher prices, inflate the rate of those higher prices is decreasing. that's a good thing. we have real interest rates. is there -- is there a point where the consumer runs out of wallet, or do they just run out of attitude or both? >> i think the wallet is going to hit earlier than the attitude, but it depends on how labor markets are going. again, the reason why consumers can even afford to spend in spite of their dower attitudes about the economy is because of strong laker markets and incomes are strong. what we see in data is that consumers broadly have been expecting strong labor markets to persist. in our most recent reading in may, our may preliminary data, consumer expectations over labor markets have softened a little bit. so you know, that's an early -- possibly an early sign of oncoming weakness for