michael bell and michael fleischmann are accused with throwing a punch, leaving him unconscious, cracking his skull. now his family is speaking out for the first time. >> when matt had to get on to emergency brain surgery may 31st, he had complications from his injury, more than 30 people drove down from hagerstown to be in the waiting room and wait with my family throughout the surgery. >> reporter: after two weeks in critical condition, in a photo from his graduation, has been moved to a facility to learn how to talk. >> he is into rehabilitation. >> reporter: he was on his second date with taylor queen when the fight broke out witnesses say the suspect, who had been heckling fans throughout the game continued to yell and it and at them nathan steel man an off duty trooper came to his aid. >> he was able to clear the air way and provide life saving medical care not otherwise immediately provided. >> reporter: he was able to hold suspects until city police arrived now as he struggled to recover his family worries how they will cover the cost of his medical care. >> matt was scheduled to