presentation by michael gause, deputy director meth health association of san francisco. c, mental health and veterans an overview of various mental health conditions affecting veterans including post traumatic stress disorder, presentation by star lara, swords to plow shares. d, seeking is mental health help when in distress, the promise and the reality, firsthand accounts and reports on the challenges of finding treatment in san francisco for individuals who are in mental health cyrus, presentation by david elliot lewis ph.d. co-chair mental health board of city and county of san francisco. e, in our own voice stories of hope and recovery, a unique public education presentation that offers insight into the hope and recovery possible for people living with mental illness, includes an overview of nami, san francisco and the various programs offered. presentation by anne fischer, program director, national alliance on mental illness, nami, gillian croen, nami peer-to-peer mentor and ioov speaker and idell wilson, co-chair, mayor's disability council nami peer-to-peer mento