michael gerson is a columnist for the "washilston post." heworked as a speechwriter for president george w. bush atr the same timt kavanaugh served in the white house. welcome back to all of you.et we have been tr all day long. now it's the "ne".wsho tttes real -- it's real. amy, just geting back to how christine blasey ford introduced herself, it seems to me she was, in many ways -- what was coming across was a genuine, sincere effort to edplain why she di this and that it wasn't politically motivated, which is what the republicans are saying. >> this is somebody nobody haden efore, had never heard her speak before, we had only seen what had been reported in news reports, and this is someone who came across asery genuine, as very real. as lispointed out, she's not very familiar with the ways of washington. she was unfamiliar with some of the questions. but you walked away thinking as much this is -- this is somebody who was not inter tted in tryi make a broader case against the system. she was there because of what had happened to her and,