michael gerston is a former speech writer for george w. bush and is not a syndicated columnist for the washington post. he has been a clear voice for development over a long period of time. i was one of millions of inspired on many occasions by michael's thoughts and words, including the 2005 inaugural speech piper that bush. i have also bought and recommended both of michael's books, most recently, "city of man.: it is about the role of people of faith in the public square. compelling and interesting. the conversation is also going to be enforced by the fact that michael is part of what he described as a humanitarian conspiracy. he was one of the architects for the initiative that has saved millions of lives. i would turn the floor over now to michael gerston. >> it is an honor to be with all of you and an honor to be with robert zoellick. i get our former allies, bob and i were colleagues. i deeply admire his leadership at the bank. he is a voice for economic sanity and a voice for the world's poorest people. let me start with a question