this is michael gillick, born in 1979 with neuroblastoma, but talking about not so much himself, butt it means when people come together. >> no corporation, no politician is bigger than a combined voice of people. when people join together and form their voices into one loud "were not going to stand for this," there's nothing to stand against that. >> that was michael gillick with hope. dan fagin, what most surprised you in writing this book? >> i think two things surprised me. number one, even though i have been an environmental reporter for 25 plus years, i was surprised at the brazenness of the behavior of the companies involved. as late as the 1990's, knowing about exposures in responding very inadequately to them. in the second thing is really what michael was talking about, wonderfuls that it is and somewhat surprising, although we should not be surprised, to see a community of people rise to the occasion. it took a while for that to happen in toms river, but it did happen. it is quite inspiring the way that story unfolded. >> we want to thank you for being with us, dan fagin,