differ whether the rate of growth will suffer by .5%, which is mark zandi, or .66%, goldma goldman sachs, or , michael ponn. whatever the specific percentage, we know it will be grave and serious in the damage to our economy, if we fail to extend and enlarge the social security tax cut. so i urge my colleagues to heed the voices that they are hearing back home, as i am hearing from ordinary citizens, middle-class families, and we are talking here about a middle-class famiy measure that will benefit people like marilyn in bloomfield, who writes to me, "i believe these cuts need to remain in effect in order to avoid the deepening -- avoid deepening the recession we are in. i urge you to support the president's jobs plan and pass as much of it as you can in the upcoming legislative session for the benefit of struggling families." she writes and she says shall "to urge you to vote in favor of extending the payroll tax cut for workers beyond december 31." and listen to people like jenny. they are in every one of our states. jenny, who is from south port, connecticut: "i know you will do the right thing whe