belgium's michael goolaerts has died during the cycling race. he suffered a cardiac arrest.0rban is seeking a third consecutive term as prime minister. his fidesz party has portrayed itself as the protector of a christian culture, it claims, is threatened by muslim immigration. 0ur correspondentjenny hill reports from budapest. it's as if for a while hungary held its breath. not that viktor 0rban, defiant, divisive, ever expected to lose. good morning mr 0rban, bbc news. are you feeling confident? europe's watching closely. mr 0rban knows how to upset the neighbours. his dream for the eu — closed doors, illiberal values, and most of all, no migrants. it's won him elections before, so he tried it again. a simple message, hungary comes first for us. and mr 0rban, it seems, comes first for hungary. the opposition here is weak, fragmented, but turnout is much higher than usual. translation: the stakes are huge. we will either become an immigrant country or we will stay free. translation: we need change, because what's happening here is chaos. translation: the problem? everything