you have michael goth and o'connor here who are representatives of that private partnership. we've identified a few things that have actually been solidified. we'll have our first class training that's going to take place december 5-8 at the police academy. part of the implementation and at chief's direction is the desire to have this be a patrol driven function and the whole idea was to fully embrace the concepts that are captured in this approach. with that said, we've identified part of the leadership. it's a challenging time for us because we have an upcoming. -- upcoming -- we're in the process of selecting lieutenants for sergeants from the promotion process so we weren't able to have sergeants as part of this initial training only because they'll be doing part of their oral aspect of their promotional's projects. but we have identified some six lieutenants who are going to be the recipients of this training and the idea behind it is it is incredibly important for supervision and management to be aware of the approaches in dealing with individuals who are in crisis, whe