yes, michael greenwood was a mix of insulting aud, and just creepy with hundreds of files on parents labeled s u. s. the wackos and anti mask lunatics tracking social media posts and parents, political beliefs unit is waiting to take over scottsdale school so they can fully implement black lives matter curriculum. here in our community, we send out children to school to learn to read, write the b l and curriculum is what the democrats, one for our children. it is horrifying. failed education system. they demand more money in raises for teachers. but what exactly they're teaching america, bat, white people, bat government got blackledge smith and made it very clear that they will use school chromebooks to infiltrate and indoctrinate your children. as if that wasn't enough. the drive also contained personal details, social security numbers, divorce records, financial and other background information is lawanda. parents are shocked with some calling for the school board presidents resignation. we cannot allow anyone in the leadership position to secretly compiled personal documentary in