indeed so back well to discuss that around in bed michael gurr and psychotherapist and best selling author mr gordon it's so good to talk to you thank you very much for taking time great to be with you thanks for having me now our audience is why the international i think to most people around the world saying that men and women boys and girls are creating a different not better not more valuable but simply different in biological and psychological terms this is not controversial at all it is usually considered to be a fact of nature why is it such a polarizing issue in the united states. i think it's primarily because of what we call academic academic feminism is the term that's used and and it's it spreads through i call it the big 3 it spreads from act academe into government into media and the basic feminist concept that all of us with with gray hair bought into you know 50 years ago was the quality but academic feminism has it's take on it it's take it has to have a quality you have to destroy males so males are bad you got to get rid of them in order to have equality and that is not