. >> there was a tragedy in 1996 where a man named michael hanley who had 23 years on the job, was almost at the end of his route in brooklyn, and they were at a stoplight the pictures that you showed. they were tossing the bags in the back of the truck, like he had done for 23 years. they cycled the hopper, meaning that blade that pushes it into the body of the truck. the blade caught one of the bags and inside the bag, unbeknownst to anyone was a jug of hydrochloric acid. it caught that jug, broke it open, and a geyser caught him full on. it killed him. his partner was awfully badly injured trying to help them. the volunteer fire department that rushed to his aid were also injured. they had to decontaminate the truck, the ambulance, the firehouse, the emergency room where they took him. he left behind a family, and yes, that was the first big sanitation funeral. >> there were like 2000 people? >> yes. you know when there is a police funeral. it is a sea of blue with white gloves. this was a sea of green with white gloves. it was such an unimaginably far away to die. and doing a job is s