and michael harriot is joining us later on. us later on. so stick around. [dinosdon't even!ur noises] i'm serious! [dinosaur noises] yes! frito-lay variety packs. packed with possibilities. faster, faster! they're gaining on you! ♪ [engine revving] that's good! come on come on! [spooky laugh] okay now! ♪ [yelling] ♪ been there, done that. twice your cousin. from boston. karen, i'm just gonna say what everyone here is thinking. you look smokin. total smokeshow. and they never did find his finger. they had to close the pool for like an hour. ♪ i brought a date. name's sam. dig in. love is like boston lager. rich, complex and it's over too soon. right, chrissy? oh my god. ♪ oh my god. [cat meows] ♪ ♪ let's get together ♪ ♪ [cat meows] let's turn things around ♪ ♪ me and you, me and you ♪ ♪ together we can't lo♪e ♪ "the daily social distancing show." it's no secret that president trump is not a popular president, but he still has many fervent supporters. michael kosta checked in on some of them to see what it is about the president that keeps these people loyal. >> with the elec