our moderator will be carla hayden and panelists will include current and former members of congress. and on tuesday, june 15th at noon, historian michael burlingame will be here to talk about his new book, "an american marriage," based on 30 years of research describing and analyzing the marriage between abraham lincoln and mary todd. through its presidential eli prayers, the national archives preserves the records of our presidents back to herbert hoover. the stories cover a president's entire life, not just their time in the highest office of the nation. after returning to private life, a number of them turn to humanitarian causes and advisory roles, and you will find both activities documented in the libraries as well. after leaving office in 1993, george bush remained engaged in public service and continued to encourage others to make a difference in large and small ways. he shared his decades of experience with his successors and worked ceaselessly for a kinder, scentler america. gentler america. jean becker was with president bush for nearly all of his post-presidential years. in her new book, "the man i knew," she brings the lea