michael hirsch, anything about security clearances?st: this a administration has been more aggressive than any other in pursuing leaks, attempted to prosecute someone at the national security agency that had discussed a flawed computer system. many of us thought that was in the national interest. yet, when questions are raised even by fellow democrats like dianne feinstein about these latest leaks about the central program that we have this attitude that we do not need a special prosecutor, the do not seemed to be concerned, which only lends itself to charges made by john mccain and republicans that these leaks were for political purposes and the president wants to present himself as tough on national security. as long as the white house effects the story going away, these will be prevalent. host: we are talking to michael hirsch about leaks. let's hear your defense upper cyber war. guest: is a facetious headline, but there has been too much human cry over the danger of cyber war in the future and what we have seen very possibly with a