my guests, father james moore, vicar of advancement for the western province and mother michael hurley, and i wanted to get to this point. the dominicans mission order of preaching the gospel, i grew up in the east bay at the tail end of the missionary era from the irish priests and nuns. it seems to me that we are living in a post-christian society, are we in a new mission territory and is this what you are addressing in your work? >> absolutely. when you're looking at our culture there are lots of things that the culture proposes in happiness and possessions we can get. real estate in san francisco is outrageous. >> friends and family cannot live here. >> exactly. there is a sense of pleasure and power in silicon valley. we are living in times which are technologically and perhaps in business and economic we are booming. but it does not have a real response to how is it that, as st. augustine said, our hearts so restless. preachers preaching the truth and contemplating, we feel like we've been given a great gift of the gospel truth and want to share it with others, god's love, that a