michael hyams. i have a presentation loaded up. if you could bring the slides up. thank you. >> i hate to interrupt as you are just beginning. we have had the enrollment presentation at the last few meetings. could we skip ahead? >> sure. if that is the wish of the commission. >> seeing no objection i would like to welcome the commissioner shanti singh to join us right now. >> before we skip ahead here, i wanted to mention a couple things pending before the board. we have a service agreement that is before the budget and finance committee. that service agreement is required for the operation of the clean powers program. we are seeking retroactive approval of execution of the agreement executed at the end of last year for continue nowty of operations. another pending agreement that will come before the board shortly is a short term renewable energy contract for the program to support our renewable energy content goals for 2019. happy to provide any more information on those two items if you are interested. as i think commissioner pollock indicated at the last meetin