wong >> christopher folkerson, followed by michael katrellis. >> good afternoon, mr. folkerson. >> good afternoon, board members, in item 13 i'd like it speak about the needs we have in the taxi dispatch proposed for this item, i'd like to speak about the situation we actually have. i'd like to apprise you of the fact the taxi tronic is far less accurate than our worst case scenario of what it might be. i'm not able to even get all my waybills off it and of four waybills away, just in four waybills that i've been able to find, i'm being overcharged, it's being claimed i made $51,000 more than i have, just in 4 shifts. one waybill 100 pages long claims i made $30,000 one night. taxitronic is completely out of control, they cannot be relied upon under any circumstances. their administration is slow to respond, the ship's log itself has errors, it will say on a given night i drove 15 hours. you look at the waybill itself, if it happens to be accurate it says i worked 9 or 10 hours. you can't sign out which leaves you subject to hacking. fly wheel has pretty bizarre polic