michael barbaro and jeffrey goldberg, correspondent for "the atlantic" here in washington. let me start first with a statement that the pentagon just made as the pentagon spokesman, the admiral john kirby to this. >> air strikes alone are not going to do this, not going to fix this, not going to save the town of kobani. we know that and we've been saying that over and over again. and yet we continue to get questions of, why aren't you doing more and how come they aren't more effective? we've been honest about the limits of airpower here. the ground forces that matter the most are indigenous ground forces. we don't have a willing, capable, effective partner on the ground inside syria right now. it's just a fact. >> let's talk about that. general barbaro, what do you think? there's nothing the united states can do to save these people in kobe noe? >> i was in erbil last week -- >> that's in northern iraq. >> northern iraq. and they're convinced there will be a massacre in kobani and they're frustrated with the united states because of the diminishing effects of the air strikes, too few, too late. the minister of peshmerga, the kurdish forces, has written to secretary hagel with a list of