. >> michael korda is the former editor in chief of simon & schuster or and author of numerous books including "journey to a revolution." find out more at harpercollins.com and search michael korda. >> we're at the national press club talking with andrew young about the new book, "walk in my shoes." can you tell us how you came up with the idea for doing this book? >> well, he came to interview me when i was mayor, and he was in second grade. and we started a friendship. i was impressed with him as a second grader, and then he's been through dartmouth and london school of economics, now he's a banker with jpmorgan. and we're 50 years apart. so it's an intergenerational dialogue. we don't agree on anything. and we say things and do things to provoke each other intellectually. but what that does is it makes for lively kind of salty ideas. >> well, what are some of these debates that you two havesome. >> we have debates on, really, most things. i think one of our biggest debates is on the economy and why that's -- unemployment right now, how we should go about solving that. civil rights