and here to break it all down is michael kosta, and roy wood, jr. >> what's going on, everybody. >> i'm michael kosta. >> man oh man, roy, did this pandemic year come with some annoying ass bullshit. >> it sure did. my blood is boiling just think being all the irritating coronavirus poppy kok. >> poppy yans which yeah, my kid in the other room, he doesn't have headphone, i can't drop f bombs. >> shoot yourself bleep breep. >> our biggest annoyances are divided into four regionses, at home, safety, social and newses and entertainment. >> have i to begin with at home because that is where we got some of the stuff that annoyed me the most like building forced to cook, dude, i'm so sick of cooking. i never wanted to know the difference between a chef knife and a parring knife. >> are you still using knives, roy, i gave up on utensils back in november. now i eat steak with my bear hands like if is a breakfast bar, i don't give a shit. >> respect. >> here is a contender i'm really sick of. taking walks. >> don't get me started on walks. all do i is walk, walk, walk, walk, at this point