could we have librarian michael lambert come up.could we please hear a report on our public libraries -- oh, i'm sorry, madam clerk, can you please call items 13 and 14. [agenda item read] [agenda item read]. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. b.l.a. report, and and is there a b.l.a. report on items 13 and 14, also. >> we do not have reports on items 13 and 14. >> chair fewer: okay. we'll just hear about the budget. thank you. >> the departmented proposed $173,808,645 budget for fiscal year 19-20 is $13,196,155 or 8.2% more than the original fiscal year 18-19 budget -- 2018-19 budget of $118,612,490. the proposed budget for fiscal year 2020-21 is 4.6% less than the mayor's proposed but jess of $173,645,808. our recommended reductions total $24,500 in fiscal year 2019-20. of the $424,500 in recommended reductions, $306,700 are ongoing. this would still allow 7.5% increase in the department's fiscal year 2019-20 budget. we also have recommended reductions for fiscal year 2020-21, and those total $547,000. of that 547,000 in recommen