michael leisher is no exception. >> these lights are on. they can't do pull ups from it. >> his unusual pullup method is against jail rules he says the sets are short enough he can do them out of sight of officers but he know he can't stay fit after exercise alone. >> after the workout protein, starches, things that are body staggers. that's how you grow. if you don't get enough food, you don't use what is in your body. if you work out harder than that you will burn off more than you put in your body. so you will get skinnier. gained 44 pounds since i have been here. i don't think too much of it is fat. you know what i mean. i got a six pack. i'm doing all right. ♪ >> unlike most inmates, he finds the meals served by the jail to be effective in fuelling the rigorous workouts to keep that six pack from turning in to a keg. >> i understand my carbohydrates and the breakdowns and protein. i know if i'm going to seat something before a workout, i can eat sugars as long as it breaks down to a glucose i use it for energy before a workout. >> he h