but in another unit, michael lesher pledges allegiance to a different entity. >> you have lucifer and satan. in death i found life and hell is my paradise. this is my paradise. his life is illuminated by all of his tattoos. >> it's better than some of the scratches i've seen on some inmates. but it's really not all that extravagant. it's definitely not street-quality work. it was all single needle. >> i was 24 when i got the tattoo on my head. the horns, itself, it's just me being an outlaw. somebody that's a little devil himself. >> at the time that i got that tattoo, i had a real strict belief in being antichristian. i believe if there's a god looking down at me, he's got something looking right back up at him. my original belief is satanism, as in the original terms of the word. it just means a representation and acceptance of negative energy being there to let us know what positive energy is. you can't have one without the other: it's a balance. >> but in lesher's case, his negative energy seems to have far eclipsed his positive. >> i've been in prison my whole life. i did 10 year