michael lind points out in his new book "land of promise" that the government has historically playedital role in the american innovation. lind argues, what is good about the american economy is largely the result ofition and what is bad about it is largely the result of jeffersonian producerrist school. with me, michael lind, thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> eliot: you present in your book two different narratives. the jefferson jeffersonian and the hamiltonen. >> the alexander hamilton, the first treasury secretary, sees government as partner along with business. and in the 20 utah century along with organized labor and research in the forms of higher education. all of these sectors are partners in the common project of national economic development fostered by fluster by sound national banking system, and by support for our manufacturing. the jeffersonian, the first secretary of state and alexander hamilton's arch rival in the presidency of george washington, favors small business, small government, and small banking against its launcher counterparts. today it's cited