actually, it joined a lawsuit filed by michael lindley. ht after he was fired from gallup. lindley ccaims gallup had overbilled vvrioussfederal agenciis for federal offices such as the u.s. mint, passport agency, energy and others spent tenss of millions of dollars on single-source, no-bid polling contracts is a conversation for another day. back to not unusual. but joining one that is over three years old without ew developments is rather oddd why did doj join at this time? connider this. on august 17th, ust days monthly unemployment report based on interviews of 30,000 adultss the data shows a steep rise in the august jjbless rate. gallup implied in its analysis thattif the august unemployment rate annnunced by the bureau of labor statistics doesn't have a "substantial" increase then sommone is fiddling with the numbers. is the doj being used to silence medda organizations that hold the obama administration accountable? we may soon know more. the august unemmloyment numbers will beereleased on september visit behind the headlines dot net.