. >> hope, dennis dean, michael lion. arao, and kenny levels. >> my name is aaron flinn and i am from the hospitality house and it was mentioned earlier in rubber bullets, i can saying that... >> i cannot hear you. >> i just repeat that. >> item was mentioned earlier and in the use of rubber bullets and i lived in europe for a long time and i can safely say that all weapons are harmless and tasers are no exception. even though they are disguised as a less lethal option and amnesty international reported that 500 people in the u.s. died since 2001 in california alone. we know that mentally ill people are particular risk but so are others, such as elderly, pregnant woman, and people with heart problems and drug users. i believe that there needs to be another alternative for crisis intervention teams and one without weapons. thank you. >> hope, as the founder, i have been for 40 years, and needless to say in that time i have encountered many people in crisis, and i am 76 years old and i am still there, and i hope that we wil