. >> michael mccann. >> thank you, mr. speaker. can the prime minister confirm that our courts have cleared -- [inaudible] [laughter] >> that is not, that is not a constituency case that's come my way. [laughter] but all i can say is i hope it's going to gender a great host of understanding of these events amongst all our people and i hope that it will be a great boost to the great city of lester. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this week announced the work of the services is moving to newcastle, is the latest in a long series of similar announcements affecting the valley, including the closure of our office by the previous government. will the prime minister looked to bring extra work to the office in stock and moving another public sector agency to the east valley? >> i will look very carefully of what my honorable friend says but what i would say is of course we want to make sure that public sector jobs are fairly distributed around the country but we have to be frank, the real need for our economy is a rebalancing with growth and th