s ambassador to russia michael mcfull suggests that there's no -- its business environment, he's simply denying reality. when two parties enter into a contract, it essential that both parties operate in faith. there is scant evidence that the russian government operates in good faith. there's disregard for human rights and government sanctioned anti-americanism. monetary to the administration's -- in recent months, it has continued to sell arms to assaad's regime. this is not a government that can be trusted to uphold its international commitments or give a fair shake to businesses, and looking only at the wto comments. on intellectual property rights, russia remains on the u.s. trade representatives special 301 watch list for violations. what makes us think it will -- yes we should have access to a wto dispute settlement process. what has that gotten us in our relationship to china. 23 years ago -- uk str reports to congress annually on congress compliance with wto comitments, the most aren't report is 127 pages long, filled with problems. the u.s. has used the formal dispute settlemen