. >> christina mcgee, tulio brand, michael mcgee. >> ms. mcgee. >> my name is christina mcgee. i'm a merry christmas of taraval for everyone, which is an organization formed to oppose time restrictions on parking on taraval between 33rd and 36th avenue between 33rd and 47th avenues. i want to be clear. placing time restrictions on parking taraval is not a safety issue. that has been addressed removing parking spaces for the boarding islands. this is relating to the remaining parking spaces. these restrictions represent a land grab for businesses for parking at the expense of others in the community. what i've seen that is missing is part of this proposal is treatment of residents with dignity and respect, to be seen and listened to by the sfmta as businesses are. we haven't seen accurate communication regarding this plan and we haven't seen equal consideration of residents compared to businesses. the project team has only said most businesses support