outstanding issues which needed to be addressed you know that her tooth in the fall colors with a michael mcgrath ecb president mary and rightly highlights the need to complete the restructuring of the sector to address the large number of non performing loans and to ensure the viability of all nationalize irish banks fell dead hundreds on concerns that mtv has urgently and it needs to do with the non harming or the bank still has a duty to ensure we have the final agreement on strategic partners is be idols of any harm and distress this because i don't know stringent need to be given true the healthcare sector. like moroccan forces are this is a good fit for the head to toe body upright he always ways his words carefully when he speaks of the sort of issues and it's a short letter but significant because it is signed by surprise. that's right i think the issue here is this to a certain extent we've been having quite a lot of good news from the tire spikes this in the beginning to get on top of their problems on mr to dry keys letter is something of a reality check. he's basically saying there ar