the only member of congress to have attended yale law school with hillary clinton, michael medved. >> thank you. this on the surfraste face of it doesn't -- surface of it doesn't it seem like an uneven debate? tonight the president of the united states, the leader of the free world, with his magnificent elegance is going to be speaking to the entire world about his vision for bigger government involvement in health care. and here we are with 1.3 million individual americans, ordinary people, the same kind of people, ordinary people who came out at tea parties, who came out at town meetings, who made themselves known, who expressed themselves. seems terribly uneven. except it is a tremendously important demonstration of two different visions of health care and of society. one vision is top down. you make a big decision in congress, you make a big decision in the administration, and the rest of the country has to follow. more regulation. more tax money. more direction from the top. the other decision -- the other vision, is from the bottom up. ordinary americans making decisions for the