michael meyers on the president, new york civil rights coalition. my question is related, is there anything in this book on the campus, the restriction, the limitations on campus, free speech, particularly in terms of how there are regulations and laws that restrict students free speech. and the three presidents, including the president of harvard president of university of pennsylvania. they got hoisted on their own petard because they couldn't speak freely in answers to. a house members question. right. i heard about that. yeah. my to you is, what do we do about free speech rights on the campus? okay, great. everybody. it's a great question. and i'll sort of answer it the same way, which it a university needs to have a value structure, you know, academic excellence, including free speech. but i don't think first amendment in my view and it shouldn't necessarily be first amendment free speech, it should be. i don't think people should be able to stand on so soapbox and say death to whatever. i mean it's just beyond the, in my view, bounds of civili