but they won something along th lines of what they get of michael milken. they won a huge settlement with him. forced to give away half of his wealth. he gave when billions, spent a short time in jail. nine years. and he was out of the business. i think, this is what i think. and think they're aiming for th same thing. maybe give away half of his 9 billion. the out of the business altogether, who knows. there are parallels what happened in the late 80s, early 90s. liz: he came back swimming, has done very well. you always have the picasso. >> the junk bond market has done wonders for the world. take me out of it, there is something wrong here. liz: please run down here again. 27 minutes before the closing bell ringing, we have survived the dotcom bubble and the credit bubble, so what is the next bubble to burst? coming up a look at the next investments that might be ready to pop the en. ♪ it's monday. a brand new start. your chance toise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastruc